I am currently teaching the second year BSc. course in Macroeconomics at Nova School of Business and Economics for the programs in Economics and Management. You can click the here for the course materials. I also teach Microeconomics for Managers and Macroeconomics and Globalization in executive education programs at Nova SBE. I also taught government executives on economic impact assessment techniques. I have also supervised many BSc, MSc and PhD thesis and am currently supervising five PhD dissertations.
Supervision of PhD thesis
- Essays on Secular Stagnation, by Manuel Lancastre (joint supervision with Francesco Franco), approved with honors in 2016, awarded the Best PhD Dissertation in Economics by Nova SBE and Amélia de Mello Foundation, and featured in Jornal Económico. First appointment to Brown University, Department of Economics, as Lecturer.
- What Drives Expansions and Recessions – Accounting for Business Cycles in an Era of Crisis, by João Costa-Filho (joint supervision with João Correia-da-Silva, Pass/Fail grading basis), defended on June 2018. First appointment to IBMEC – São Paulo, as Assistant Professor and to Fundação Gertúlio Vargas – São Paulo, Department of Economics, as Visiting Assistant Professor. Now at Nova SBE as a post-doc researcher in the project Structural Transformation and Inequality in the Macroeconomy.
- Essays in Incomplete Markets and Aggregate Shocks, by Miguel H. Ferreira, defended on August 2020, with Distinction and Honors. First appointment to the Faculty of Economics at the University of Cambridge, as Cambridge-INET Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Now at Queen Mary University as Lecturer (tenure-track).
- Essays on Macroeconomic Policy, by João B. Oliveira (joint supervision with João B. Duarte), defended on September 2022, with Distinction and Honors. First appointment to the Bank of England, as Senior Economist.
PhD students under my supervision
- Thais da Silva, Nova SBE: first year
- Márcia Pereira, Nova SBE: Consumption heterogeneity and inflation
- Steffano Grancini, Nova SBE: fiscal policy and heterogeneous agents
- André Coelho, ISEG: immigration, entrepreneurship, inequality
- Ana Melissa Fereira, Nova SBE: structural transformation and inequality
- Valter Nóbrega, Nova SBE: optimal taxation and incomplete markets
- Francisco Rodrigues, Nova SBE: fiscal policy and labor markets
Current Teaching
- BSc. Macroeconomics (Economics and Management)
- Economics for Managers (Executive Education)
- Macroeconomics and Globalization (Executive Education)
- Advanced MSc/PhD Computational Economics and Data Analysis with Python (U Edinburgh)
Past Teaching
- PhD Business Cycle Accounting: Theory and Applications (U Zurich)
- MSc. Macroeconomics (TA) (at Stockholm U)
- MSc. Microeconomics (TA) (at Stockholm U)
- MSc. Methodology Seminar I & II (at Stockholm U)
- Ph.D Econometrics (TA) (at Stockholm U)
- MSc. Quantitative Methods in Macroeconomics (at Stockholm U, U Coimbra and Nova SBE)
- MSc. Time Series Econometrics (at Stockholm U)
- BSc. Empirical Methods I (at Stockholm U)